At the centre of your being you have the answer, you know who you are and you know what you want ~ Lao Tzu

Thursday, December 2

Still snowing....

just to let you see how our garden's looking in this latest 'cold snap'...

it's been snowing on and off for four days - quite a lengthy snap...

there's a pillow, roughly six inches deep, of undisturbed snow on our garden furniture!

thankfully we're all safe and warm and our cupboards are full - for now! but the kids' schools are closed until next week, so i doubt they'll stay full for long :)


poppy m said...

Hi claire glad you are all OK. You've had lots more snow than us here in the west.

Anonymous said...

thanks for your lovely comment at my blog!
We've had loads of snow here too, looks like we're in for a white xmas!

(PS - I love your fav artists list, Albrect Durer is one of my personal favourites)