Well, the kettle's on - I'm guessing everyone wants a hot drink - it is c-h-i-l-l-y here! *brrrr*
I'm convinced we had our summer back in May...
Oh, and there are lots of scrummy biscuits in the barrel - just help yourself :)
Well, now we have our drinks and biccies, shall I tell you about our busy week so far?
Kids in the UK have finally broken up for the summer *phew*
And we got to see the last Harry Potter film - though not as a family as I'd hoped...
the kids went with their respective friends on Wednesday (half-price tickets), and Nick and I went on Friday...
picture copyright fanboyz.net
Still, it was a fun evening - early showing, then dinner - and it was nice going out just the two of us :) One of the perks of the kids being almost 16 and 14!!
Then, Saturday was an early start for mother and daughter... as I took my gorgeous girl to have her ears pierced! She was been wanting them done since she was 10(!!), but I managed to persuade her to wait till she was a bit older... and now, she's soooo happy and I'm the best Mum in the world - for now :)

Then on Sunday, we all met my dad for lunch here (they do a very nice roast dinner!), and E went home with Grandpa for the first week of her summer hols... and I'm trying not to miss her too much...
Given what a fun weekend I had, I couldn't quite see where this came from in my journal pages yesterday... but that's the subconscious for you!
I know I quite deliberately wrote 'monotone' rather than 'monochrome'...
I think I was half-remembering the re-run of Vincent and the Doctor on TV at the weekend (my absolute favourite Dr Who episode, btw), and Vincent saying he could hear colours sing...
E and I watched it on Saturday afternoon, and maybe, I just can't hear colours sing while my girl's away... *sigh*
Now, can I get any refills?? And yes, there are more biscuits :)
And we can settle down to hear your stories from the past seven days... it's all happening over at Amy's...
How did you like HP7? I loved it :) Hope you have a great week!
I just discovered your blog through A.R.T., and I'm so happy I did! Your monotone/monochrome journal spread is wonderful! Hope to see you in Quinn's class!
Thank you, I'll have a hot coffee (even though its warm here-- but thankfully the heat wave has passed!) and I'll take the biscuit with the raspberry jelly in the center. So nice of you to offer! Sounds like an interesting week you had. My daughter turns 9 in a few weeks, so we are just approaching the Harry Potter stuff. She's seen the first movie, and someone gave us the whole series of books. Idea: maybe we should start reading the first one together!! Your art journal and associated interpretation is very interesting. That subconscious is so powerful, isn't it? I do everything I can to avoid mine-- which really is not very healthy. Thankfully, I attend therapy which forces me to face the things I don't want to . But I need the push from someone else. Although I do some meditation and that really taps into my visual and inner perspectives. Its all very fascinating. Glad you and the hubby had a nice date night! Thanks for hosting coffee/tea. Have a great week!
Seriously, I'll trade you weather. I'll take the chill if you take the 350 degree oven we've been living in the past couple of weeks.
I'm so jealous you've seen HP already...we are scheduling a babysitter for the weekend so we can FINALLY go...I can't wait.
Have a great week and thanks for coffee.
oh wow, our temps are over 100* with the humidity factored in...yuck, i would welcome one day of cooler
weather! i bet you are the most wonderful mum and hopefully that lasts for a while! : ) thanks for coffee!!
How'd you like HP7 part 2? Fabulous, wasn't it? I'm so impressed you journal. I've never been any good at journalling for myself. I'd start for a day or two (usually at the height of some woeful emotional angst) and then forget about it a couple of days later! :)
I think I'm too late for the biscuits, but I'll have a cup of tea any time ... Well done on postponing The Daughter's ear-piercing (no mean feat), and I love the 'monotone' pages (as a psychologist I find that fascinating!).
It's really cooled down here too! though it kind of feels like summer hasn't even started yet...
I went to see HP last week too and LOVED it, it was one of the best movies in the series.
Hope your "best mum" status lasts! Thanks for (a very late) coffee!
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