At the centre of your being you have the answer, you know who you are and you know what you want ~ Lao Tzu

Wednesday, October 3

WOYWW 174 - Figuring stuff out...

I've been using my lap desk a lot recently...

Trying to think things through... which, for me means reading and writing...

The art course is in the background, as I figure out exactly want I want to do...

I'm using this little book The Mindful Writer: Noble Truths of the Writing Life... The principles apply as much to the visual arts as the literary...

Here's a close up

I'm trying to figure out what I have to say in my drawings...

I want to 'make an honest offering', not just a representation of the object in front of me...

I know that if I am to do this course properly, honestly and truthfully, I have to think about such things...

I'm sure others' desks are much more exciting and colourful, but I'm in a serious, thoughtful mode of being at the moment, and I hope you'll forgive my lack of exciting pics...

See you all over at Julia's Stamping Ground for the worldwide trip around our desks :)


okienurse said...

It is always difficult for me to make up my mind as to what "I want to say" with something...anything. I have been just going with the flow and have thought about learning to channel things. I will be watching with curiosity. Vickie

Julia Dunnit said... are in thoughtful mode! I'm really impressed that you are taking time to consider where you want this course to take you - am perfectly sure you'll get more from it if you have a direction. Good on you.

BJ said...

Serious and thoughtful is a good thing - hope it pays off. Thanks for stopping by BJ#6

Redanne said...

I agree with the above comments, serious and thoughtful is a good thing and will help you with your direction but do take a little time to play too - it's good for the soul. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #13

Eliza said...

It can be difficult to write what you want to say sometimes or finding the correct words. I believe you have to go with your heart and let it take you for the ride.

Eliza #55

Happy Woyww

Jackie said...

I sort of understand what your saying.....I'm not good with words, i think go with whats in your heart is never a bad starting place
Jackie 15

Anonymous said...

I think its easy to sign up but hard to really think about things so you get the most out of it. So the prep may be hard but will be time well spent :)


fairy thoughts said...

you are very thoughtful aren't you. I am not much of a planner with my craft, as Nike says 'just do it'. your brain will tell your hands what to do, hope it helps
janet #9

Daniella said...

It is good to ponder your art, and not just create what is before you for no reason. you are on the right path!!

Angie said...

Thinking about things is good but sometimes one needs to be spontaneous.Over analizing can be a con rather than a pro when it comes to art.The written word, I think, is very different from the visual interpretation of an object or scene. It does however all come down to what you, the individual, feels about art and the written word. Good Luck xx#38

Lunch Lady Jan said...

It's an interesting point you make and has certainly divided the comments above. I think it's an interesting process to go through occasionally, to really think about why you are doing something rather than just launching into a project. I very much do the latter, I'm afraid...I never plan anything but maybe I should do!!
Hugs, LLJ #1 xx

Mary Jo said...

I think everyone needs a little of both in their life! At least that is what I tell my children.
There are definitely times to be serious though. And it sounds like you are on the right track :)
Mary Jo #93

Darnell said...

Very insightful and we can all use that now and again. Oh, if it were only easier to be truely ourselves in writing and art and actions and not be what others want us to be. Good for you to want that honesty! Have a great week! Darnell #120

Anonymous said...

i love your post. my drawings/paintings always bring me to a place where i get connected with what's true for me. and this triggers good writing. 'will surely visit again... melinda alpha #145

Annie said...

It's a good idea to plan before doing....not something I have a lot of time for so good on you.
A x #2

Elizabeth said...

I wouldn't have thought you could apply the rules of writing to art but then I remembered that you read a picture too. Good luck with your study and how it informs your art. Elizabeth x #49