At the centre of your being you have the answer, you know who you are and you know what you want ~ Lao Tzu

Tuesday, April 12

Virtual Coffee Tuesday - Feeling...

Hello again! I'm hoping my erratic internet connection will hold long enough for me to compose and post this...
I confess I'm feeling rather 'blah' at the moment... the joys of womanhood combined with warfarin (necessary for avoiding another stroke) means each month I get rather anaemic from the increased blood loss. I truly feel like a shadow, a wraith, a hollow shell...

I know it's temporary - I experience the same each month - and I know by next week I'll feel my usual solid self, but for right now, I feel I'm barely present, much less substantial than the pictured cappuccino...

What has brought on this virtual soul-baring? you may ask...
Of all things, a quote by Benjamin Disraeli - of all people!

Never apologize for showing feeling - when you do so, you apologize for truth.

I know if we were really meeting for coffee, i'd appear paler and more tired than usual, and I know you'd ask me if I'm OK, so here's the truth...
I feel blah, and pathetic, and teary, and drained and... and...
And I had a load of things I was going to share about my week, but I truly don't have the energy...
So here's a couple of the many beauties adorning our garden at the moment, and for now, I'll just sit back and let you tell me about your week...

Thank you x


The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Well, soak up that blooming beauty, use this time to rejuvenate your mind and your spirit. And let tomorrow be another day.

Jade @ Tasting Grace said...

I love that quote. Thanks for sharing! And I hope you feel more yourself again soon.

Anonymous said...

I am sure human beings are not designed to fire on all cylinders 100% of the time. Maybe we need the downtimes to reflect and regroup? Enjoy your wonderful garden in the meantime.

Anonymous said...

oh claire - sorry to hear you are not feeling so well but I am so glad that you can tell your truth here and share with friends. it is very different but I have to get a monthly hormone injection every month after my adventures last year (next one tomorrow) and it turns me into a teary snappy mess and I don't feel like myself atall for about 4 or 5 days - I have that joy to look forward to tomorrow so i can empathise. like you I know it will pass. be good to yourself and have a lovely weekend. x

poppy m said...

Hi claire- take it easy & eat well. Shame we cant meet up in person each Tuesday. Spent today chatting to Frank's friends & family - then thought how great it would be to do the same with mine! Oh well - I have the internet etc.
Lovely magnolia - cant wait for our youngster to reach the blooming age!
Hope this pots OK - seem to have lots of problems doing so. Ta Ta meredith