well, i've got my beloved laptop back from the shop, and am hoping the repairs will keep it going for the time being...
two more sketches done while listening to the football commentary :)
drawn from this lovely book - ahh! the bygone days of magazine illustration... and ooooh! the clothes, the hats, the faces of the beautiful people!!
i think this loose sketchy style suits my lack of precise control, and i do like the effects!
but boy! the human figure is hard to draw! so many things are wrong with the lower sketch - almost all the proportionates are off - but i'm confident the more i try to draw difficult things, the better i'll get...
please tell me i'm not deluding myself...
No Claire, you're not deluding yourself. Practise practise practise.I've been attempting the human figure for years and still find it excruciatingly difficult.
Hi Claire
Only just discovered your blog and have spent a lovely half hour perusing! I do try to draw the human figure but it is soooo hard to get people to look right. Your latest look good to me!
This footy commentary trick is obviously working ;) These are just lovely - so elegant.
i think you are doing a greta job and yes, drawing the human figure is very difficult! hooray for computer repairs!
Claire it is so lovely to 'meet' you through your blog - thank you so much for visiting and commenting on mine! I read your bio and I am so glad that you are on a journey of recovery and that part of that is art. It doesn't even compare to your experiences but I had terrible back problems years ago which meant that I could not work for a while and that is when I rediscovered art and how I got where I am today - it was a wonderful thing that changed my life.
I think your drawings are wonderful and yes - practice can only help!!
My in-laws are just down the road from you in Heckington and Damon's is my hubby's favourite restaurant - I am sure we are long overdue a trip there.
I think you're showing great progress with your drawing. The human form would have to be the hardest thing to draw. You're using a nice expressive line. One thing I've noticed over the years of drawing is that if I'm sitting down when I draw, the lower part of the drawing tends to become foreshortened and the proportions become distorted, so if you hold your drawing vertically every now and then, you can usually see where the proportions need adjusting.
But please keep drawing!
Oh my goodness, Claire, for someone who is right-handed, to have drawn these with your left hand is amazing to me! You've done such a wonderful job on both of them, though I especially like the first one.
Proportion is tricky to master and I also have trouble with that sometimes. One of the "exercises" that I find helpful is to draw figures very quickly, and to do this, I will throw a movie in the DVD player, and then pause it at scenes where there is a figure in an interesting pose that I want to draw. I time myself for 5 minutes and usually use a pen so I am unable to erase. The time limit and inability to erase forces me to draw fast and loose and I find that these very quick drawings usually end up being more well proportioned than when I take my time and agonise over each little measurement. Plus I get to enjoy a movie and have a lot of fun doing these little sketches. Perhaps it is something you would also enjoy and find helpful.
Hello Claire,
Very good. The human figure is extremely difficult to get right but when things do go right (as in your case) it is such a great achievement.
Well done Claire!
I like both of your sketches, and the way to go is just keep drawing, then keep drawing!
These are great Claire! Love the style
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